2022 January Memorabilia Auction - Closing Date 02/06/2022
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 2/6/2022

1952 Wheaties Golf Cards Sam Snead (2), Alice Bauer (2), Lloyd Mangrum (1), Marlene Bauer (2), Patty Berg (2)

Offered here is a very nice assortment of nine (9) 1952 Wheaties Golf Cards featuring Patty Berg, Alice Bauer, Lloyd Mangrum, Marlene Bauer and Sam Snead. With the prices of sports cards are going through the roof these days you may want to grab this lot of cards from 1952 before they reach stratospheric levels on pricing. These cards are roughly 70 yrs old and the condition is very good-excellent.
1952 Wheaties Golf Cards Sam Snead (2), Alice Bauer (2), Lloyd Mangrum (1), Marlene Bauer (2), Patty Berg (2)1952 Wheaties Golf Cards Sam Snead (2), Alice Bauer (2), Lloyd Mangrum (1), Marlene Bauer (2), Patty Berg (2)1952 Wheaties Golf Cards Sam Snead (2), Alice Bauer (2), Lloyd Mangrum (1), Marlene Bauer (2), Patty Berg (2)1952 Wheaties Golf Cards Sam Snead (2), Alice Bauer (2), Lloyd Mangrum (1), Marlene Bauer (2), Patty Berg (2)1952 Wheaties Golf Cards Sam Snead (2), Alice Bauer (2), Lloyd Mangrum (1), Marlene Bauer (2), Patty Berg (2)
1952 Wheaties Golf Cards Sam Snead (2), Alice Bauer (2), Lloyd Mangrum (1), Marlene Bauer (2), Patty Berg (2)
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Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $138.00
Number Bids: 5
Auction closed on Sunday, February 6, 2022.
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